Title: Flying Fish
Artist: Appel, Karel
Artist Bio: Dutch painter and sculptor, 1921-2006, active in Amsterdam, Paris, and New York
Year: 1976
Culture: Netherlandish, Dutch
Materials: Polychromed wood
Overall: 32 3/4 x 20 1/8 in (83.185 x 51.1175 cm)
ID Number: 1978.056.000
Artist: Appel, Karel
Artist Bio: Dutch painter and sculptor, 1921-2006, active in Amsterdam, Paris, and New York
Year: 1976
Culture: Netherlandish, Dutch
Materials: Polychromed wood
Overall: 32 3/4 x 20 1/8 in (83.185 x 51.1175 cm)
ID Number: 1978.056.000
Gift of Eugene I. Schuster, 1978.