
There are 570 records matching your search.
Displaying records 91 to 180
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TitleArtistDate Made
UntitledHaney, William L.1971View
UntitledHaney, William L.1971View
UntitledHaney, William L.UndatedView
UntitledHaring, Keith1982View
UntitledHaring, Keith1982View
From FormHarryn, Paul1988View
What a Rainbow KnowsHarryn, Paul1987View
Ice Blues and Lost WillHarryn, Paul1988View
The Unseen RoleHarryn, Paul1988View
Landscape (farm by lake)Held, George F.UndatedView
LandscapeHeld, George F.UndatedView
The Rooks at BreakfastHeld, George F.UndatedView
Barn by a LakeHeld, George F.UndatedView
Untitled (marine scene)Hergesheimer, Ella SophonisbaUndatedView
Orlando Wales at the EaselHergesheimer, Ella Sophonisbaca. 1905View
Study of a BullfinchHolsteyn, Pieter the YoungerUnknownView
Carbon BreakerHurwitz, Elizabeth Adams1970View
Medical Center, New YorkHurwitz, Elizabeth Adams1937View
Stonecrusher, Kutztown QuarryHurwitz, Elizabeth Adams1944View
UntitledJansons, Andrew1973View
UntitledJohnson, BuffieUnknownView
UntitledJohnson, BuffieUnknownView
UntitledKessler, MichaelUndatedView
Swimming HoleKessler, Michael1989View
Academic Drawing of Nude WomanKevorkian, M. H.UndatedView
Seated String Section of OrchestraKingman, DongUndatedView
June 2, 1958: Music Group from AllentownKingman, DongUndatedView
The Telephone HourKingman, Dong1958View
Three FacesKingman, Dong1958View
Backview of Audience at TV StudioKingman, DongUndatedView
Portrait of John MealeyKnaths, Karl1920/21View
I TestimoniLebrun, Rico1943View
Study for VolponeLevine, Jack1963View
Saint Francis of AssisiSongo, Samuel1954View
From Cape Split, Maine CoastMarin, John1933View
German HermesNelson, Robert A.1966View
Iris (cartoon for window)Nesbitt, LowellUndatedView
Lac Leman From VeveyOakley, Violet1928View
HildaPascin, Jules1927View
From Oakleigh, Wiano, MassachusettsPittman, Hobson Lafayette1959View
UntitledPollock, Charles1970View
Coal Breakers, Wilkes BarrePullinger, Herbert1918View
The Square, ScrantonPullinger, HerbertUndatedView
Old Covered Bridge From Bethlehem to South BethlehemPullinger, Herbert1918View
Pile of Refuse at Hazleton, PaPullinger, Herbert1918View
The Court House at Wilkes Barre, PennsylvaniaPullinger, Herbert1918View
Coal Breakers in Snow Scene with Railroad CarsPullinger, Herbert1914View
A Bit of Shamokin, PaPullinger, HerbertUndatedView
Untitled (Bowery Street Scene)Marsh, Reginaldca. 1940View
NicheMassad, G. Daniel1997View
Study for NicheMassad, G. Daniel1996View
Study for NicheMassad, G. Daniel1996View
Bacchic FeteMetz, Conrad Martin1789View
Certificate of Birth and Baptism for David HaffUnknown1821View
Peter's Jean LegMorley, Malcolm1979View
The JugglerNeff, EdithUndatedView
The JugglerNeff, EdithUndatedView
Circus ActNeff, EdithUndatedView
CentaurNelson, Robert A.1966View
Electric Arc FurnaceCantieni, Joseph1958View
Landscape of SteelCantieni, Joseph1957View
Schwab Memorial LibraryCantieni, Joseph1949View
Silver Blast FurnaceCantieni, Joseph1954View
Schwab Memorial LibraryCantieni, Joseph1949View
Silver Blast FurnaceCantieni, Joseph1954View
Schwab Memorial LibraryCantieni, Joseph1949View
Electric Arc FurnaceCantieni, Joseph1958View
Electric Arc FurnaceCantieni, Joseph1958View
Saint Peter and Saint John at the Gate of the Temple Healing a Lame YouthKunst, Pieter CorneliszUndatedView
St. MargaretCrabeth, Dirck PieterszUndatedView
Playing CardDalí, Salvador1967View
UntitledDorazio, PieroUnknownView
The Cigarette-SouvenirEby, KerrUndatedView
Mess Hall, AllentownEby, Kerr1917View
A SoldierEby, KerrUndatedView
Book 15Edwards, Margery1984View
Book 15Edwards, Margery1984View
Book 15Edwards, Margery1984View
Book 15Edwards, Margery1984View
The LureEvans, Rob1993View
UntitledEvergood, Philip1932View
He belonged to that class of men who do not trouble their heads about trifles, for Ivan Shponka and His Aunt, by GogolEvergood, Philipca. 1950View
BaigneusesFantin-Latour, HenriUndatedView
La SourceFantin-Latour, HenriUndatedView
GanymedeFerri, CiroUndatedView
Portrait of Melville MintonFlagg, James MontgomeryUndatedView
Miss Leonore WellworthyFlint, William RussellUndatedView
UntitledGiobbi, Edward Giochino1959View
Figures in Washington SquareGlackens, Williamca. 1912View
Easter SundayGoodman, Sidney1988View

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