
There are 5831 records matching your search.
Displaying records 1801 to 1890
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TitleArtistDate Made
Croquis au burin (Burin Studies)Hayter, Stanley William1929-32View
Brierpatch BluesSaar, Alison2014View
Twilight from the Catalogue of the New York Etching Club ExhibitionMoran, Mary Nimmo1880 (published 1882)View
Moby Dick/ The Passion of AhabSpruance, Benton Murdoch1968View
Here Come MosesRinggold, Faith2014View
Lear – Act III Scene IV – Poor naked wretchesKokoschka, Oskar1963View
Listening FigureHaass, Terry1947View
Augy's FootHayter, Stanley William1941View
UntitledWhitney, Stanley2016View
UntitledWhitney, Stanley2016View
UntitledWhitney, Stanley2016View
UntitledWhitney, Stanley2016View
UntitledWhitney, Stanley2016View
Augy's FootHayter, Stanley William1941View
La BolléeHayter, Stanley William1926View
Taxes on us Without our Consent (Text) from the series Declaration of Freedom and IndependenceRinggold, Faith2009View
EphemeraApplebroog, Ida2014View
UntitledWhitney, Stanley2016View
Autumn, No. 7: Kudzu Vine and Quails from Bairei's Picture Album of Birds and FlowersBairei, Kono1883View
EphemeraApplebroog, Ida2014View
Printing PlateKipniss, RobertView
Printing Plate - UnknownKipniss, RobertView
Untitled Monographic (dandelion)Bertoia, Harry1976View
English Cottages, after a composition by Julian RixLathrop, William Langson1889View
English Cottages after composition by H.W. RansenLathrop, William Langson1886View
Georgetown, CTLathrop, William Langson1889View
Latona Giving Birth to Apollo and Diana on the Island of DelosScultori, Diana (after Giulio Romano)ca. 1575View
Black CountryGallagher, Michael J.1938View
Portrait of Samuel H. KressStoessel, OskarUnknownView
Untitled (scene of a town)Baum, Walter Emersonca. 1940/45View
Moving DayGallagher, Michael J.1937View
Coal YardHelfond, Rivaca. 1935/37View
Old MinerHelfond, Riva1935View
Co-HousesMandelman, Beatrice1940View
SpudMesibov, Hugh1938View
Coal Mining TownSternberg, Harry1936View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Danse MacabreBrussel-Smith, Bernard1972/76View
Actor (Onnagata), Segawa Kikunojo IIIUTAGAWA, Toyokuni1800/10View
Kabuki Actor Bando Mitsugoro IIIUTAGAWA, Toyokuni1810/15View
Noji Tama RiverUTAGAWA, Toyokuni1806View
The WriterEizan, Kikugawaca. 1800/25View
KoranUnknownPossibly 19th CenturyView
Woman with FlowersHidemaro, Kitagawa (Attributed to)ca. 1800'sView
Actor as Peasant WomanKatsukawa Shunchō1775/1800View
Three Figures - Playing a GameToyota, HokkeiUnknownView
Tsuchiyama Station, TokaidoHiroshige II (Shigenobu)ca. 1860View
Figure with Flowering BranchesKeisai Eisen1848 or laterView
Seki Station, from the "Gyosho Tokaido" seriesHiroshige1843/6View
Mitsuke, Tenryugawa Zu (Heaven Dragon River view at Mitsuke)Hiroshige1833/34View
Bridal Journey, Act VIII of "The Chushingura"Hiroshige1840'sView
Mino Promontory in Bungo Province from "Famous Places of the 60-odd Provinces"Ando Hiroshige1856View
Timber Yard at Fukugawa, from "100 Views of Edo"Hiroshige1856View
Fujikawa, Bohana no Zu, from "53 Stations of the Tokaido Road"Hiroshige1883/34View
Two ActorsUTAGAWA, Toyokunica. 1800View
Prince Genji Refreshes HimselfUtagawa Kunisada1860View
Kabuki Actor Nakamura ShikanToyohara, Kunichikaca. 1865View
Shono -- Haku (Driving Rain at Shono), from "53 Stations of the Tokaido Road"Hiroshige1833/34View
FirefliesTsukioka, Kogyoca. 1900View
Schwab Memorial LibraryCantieni, Joseph1949View
Peaceable KingdomCantieni, Joseph1960View
Season's GreetingsSwallow, William W.1940s/50sView
Torn Blue WallpaperHoffman, Richard P.1975View
'Red Paint on Plaster'Hoffman, Richard P.1975View
'Oozing Cement'Hoffman, Richard P.1975View
'Plastic Bag Over Metal Drum'Hoffman, Richard P.1975View
'End of Oil Drum'Hoffman, Richard P.1975View
'Sidewall'Hoffman, Richard P.1975View
Ejiri from the series Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido RoadHiroshige1833/34View
Fuchu from the series Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido RoadHiroshige1833/34View
Mariko from the series Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido RoadHiroshige1833/34View
Okabe from the series Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido RoadHiroshige1833/34View
Fuji-jeda from the series Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido RoadHiroshige1833/34View
Futagawa, from the Series "53 Stations of the Tokaido Road"Hiroshigeca. 1840View
Yoshida, from the Series "53 Stations of the Tokaido Road"Hiroshigeca. 1840View
Goyu, from the Series "53 Stations of the Tokaido Road"Hiroshigeca. 1840View
Akasaka, from the Series "53 Stations of the Tokaido Road"Hiroshigeca. 1840View
Fujikawa, from the Series "53 Stations of the Tokaido Road"Hiroshigeca. 1840View
Okazaki, from the Series "53 Stations of the Tokaido Road"Hiroshigeca. 1840View
Chiryu, from the Series "53 Stations of the Tokaido Road"Hiroshigeca. 1840View
Zwei alte Bauerinnen (Two Old Farm Wives)Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig1920View

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