
There are 5831 records matching your search.
Displaying records 3871 to 3960
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TitleArtistDate Made
Murie's WindowKipniss, Robert1977View
Summer IIKipniss, Robert1977View
HedgesKipniss, Robert1979View
Red RoofsKipniss, Robert1977View
Pale LandscapeKipniss, Robert1969View
The WheelHunter, MelView
Notebook, from portfolio titled "The Elastic Membrane"Kidner, Michael1979View
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, Volume II from a twenty volume setKing, RonaldUnknownView
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, Volume III from a twenty volume setKing, RonaldUnknownView
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, Volume IV from a twenty volume setKing, RonaldUnknownView
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, Volume V from a twenty volume setKing, RonaldUnknownView
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, Volume VI from a twenty volume setKing, RonaldUnknownView
Prologue to the Canterbury Tales of Chaucer, Volume VII from a twenty volume setKing, RonaldUnknownView
Grosse Auferstehung (Great Resurrection) from the illustrated book Klänge (Sounds)Kandinsky, Vasily1913View
Motiv aus Improvisation 25 (Motif from Improvisation 25) from the illustrated book Klänge (Sounds)Kandinsky, Vasily1911View
Poem Text with Vignette from Klange (Sounds)Kandinsky, Vasily1913View
BoardwalkKaplan, Jerome1948View
Court MartialKaplan, Jerome1951View
Lehigh Valley, PennsylvaniaMiller, Elwood J.undatedView
QuakertownMiller, Elwood J.undatedView
CPRKaplan, Jerome1956View
MagusKaplan, Jerome1956View
MaineKaplan, Jerome1958View
JumperKaplan, Jerome1959View
PortraitsKaplan, Jerome1962View
The RockMiller, Elwood J.undatedView
Louis XIV, from the Portfolio Six New York ArtistsClarke, John Clem1968View
Tamarisk QueenKaplan, Jerome1962View
Capuchin PolyptechKaplan, Jerome1963View
ReliquarioKaplan, Jerome1963View
CompoteKaplan, Jerome1969View
Reve RiteKaplan, Jerome1972View
LibraryKaplan, Jerome1980View
Soldier in a BarnKaplan, Jerome1983View
Nature-morte au pigeon from the book Fleurs et MasquesSeverini, Gino1930View
Follow the Leader, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioHolton, Curlee Raven2001View
The Red Carpet, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioArastu, Salma2001View
Untitled, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioLaDuca, Isadore2001View
Moravian, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioGournet, Geoffroy2001View
Reclamation, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioBoothe, Berrisford2001View
Untitled, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioTol, Koenraad Van Linden2000View
Out of Easton, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioWall, Rhonda2001View
Top of the World, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioFishbone, Vivian2001View
Untitled, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioGormley, Brian E.2001View
Slicing Atoms to Divide the Pie, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioHildenbrandt, Rick2001View
Hotel Easton, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioTague, Christopher2001View
Lay Me Down To Sleep, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioSantini, Tara T.2001View
Untitled, from the Lehigh Valley Fine Arts PortfolioLukas, Emil2001View
Kennedy Funeral: Friend's Wife #2Feldman, Eugene1964View
Kennedy Funeral: Friend's Wife #1Feldman, Eugene1964View
Woman 18Feldman, Eugene1964View
Neagle's View of VeniceFeldman, Eugene1958View
Pakistani DancerFeldman, Eugene1965View
Nureyev, Monotone Double Image #40Feldman, Eugene1969View
Gondola, VeniceFeldman, Eugene1965View
El Velorio (The Wake)Baumann, Gustave1927View
Watch Your StepHartman, Bertramca. 1913/20View
Untitled [portrait of woman]Edwards, Samuel ArlentUnknownView
Levina, Countess SpencerGalland, Elizabeth1909View
UntitledEdwards, Samuel Arlent1905View
Adelaide as DianaEdwards, Samuel Arlent1902View
Henrietta as FloraEdwards, Samuel Arlent1902View
Lady Julia Peel, after Sir Thomas LawrenceCousins, SamuelUnknownView
Miss Rosamond Croker, after Sir Thomas LawrenceCousins, Samuel1828View
Lady TaylorWilson, Sydney Ernest1912View
Lady Hamilton as NatureWilson, Sydney ErnestUnknownView
The Shepherders, after BoucherEdwards, Samuel ArlentUnknownView
Lady Peel LawrenceWilson, Sydney ErnestUnknownView
Untitled [young boy]Edwards, Samuel ArlentUnknownView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Print from portfolio Shelter Sketch Book IIMoore, Henry SpencerView
Playmates, after Sir Joshua ReynoldsEdwards, Samuel ArlentUnknownView
Untitled [boy in blue suit]Edwards, Samuel ArlentUnknownView
Untitled [man and woman outdoors]Edwards, Samuel ArlentUnknownView
Untitled [two women]Edwards, Samuel ArlentUnknownView
Lady Sarah Gray Lyndhurst, after Sir Thomas LawrenceCousins, SamuelUnknownView
Mrs. LloydEdwards, Samuel ArlentUnknownView
Lady MulgianeEdwards, Samuel ArlentUnknownView

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